The result in either case is an energy deficiency . 不论哪种情况结果都会导致能量损失。
Healthy energy deficiency and evil excess 正虚邪实
Chronic energy deficiency symptom is a kind of illness which often happens on atheletes 摘要慢性能量缺乏症是运动员常见症状。
The aim of the article is to find out the effect of chronic energy deficiency symptom and its protection theory 本研究目的在于深入了解慢性能量缺乏症影响及其防护理论的研究进展。
By analyzing correlative literature , the author concludes that disrupted procreation function results from chronic energy deficiency , " enegy availability " can evaluate energy balance status , the creditability of the " enegy availability " threshold need more investigation 通过相关文献的分析和归纳,本研究结论认为慢性能量缺乏是生殖系统功能失调的直接原因; “能量可用性”的引入来衡量能量平衡具有一定优势, “能量可用性”的阈值需要进一步确认。